ENVIROTECH G.T.U. Greywater Treatment Unit (2005)
- For household application (or larger, if requested)
- Receives wastewater from
- hand basins
- shower / bath
- laundry tubs / washing machine
- toilet cistern water
- automatic clothes-washing machine
- external uses
- washing car
- hosing garden
- sprinkler system
- Compact unit, tertiary effluent quality, 1600L effluent storage built-in
(allows optimum garden watering - twice per week)
ENVIROTECH A.S.F.T Aerobic Sand Filter (1993)
- The first generation, Gen I A.S.F.T
- a world first
- For the treatment of all household wastewater ie. including toilet waste
- Larger systems can be designed for commercial operations
- Simple, natural process, uses a minimum of electrical energy, virtually
no maintenance required.
- Suitable for holiday-homes - only operates when home is occupied
(no wasted energy use)
- Because of its passive nature, it is the more cost-effective system
- Consistently good effluent quality - meets the 20mg / L BOD5 and 30mg /
L TSS levels, comfortably.
- Will require effluent disinfection for above-ground irrigation - most
commonly used system - tablet - chlorinator.
- System comprises 3 chamber concrete tank and 20mē A.S.F.T
- plastic tanks available for sites that are remote or have difficult
access (easily lifted by earthmoving machinery)
- developed for the household system market
- the choice for environmentally sensitive developments that specify
Advanced Secondary Treatment Units A.S.T.U.
- Prototype tested under the most stringent conditions as required by the
N.S.W. Department of Health applying the procedures set out in (Australian
Standard) A.S. 1546 - Part 3
- The ultimate choice - can be offered with Nutrient Removal Capability,
also - max. nutrient levels can be nominated for some sub-divisional
- Still offers the low-energy usage, that the original A.S.F.T
System is famous for.
- Disinfection is by a U.V. Disinfection Unit for which the power ONLY
comes on when its operation is required - the U.V. Disinfection process
offers the benefit of a broader pathogen "kill" - including viruses which
are responsible for 70% of illness in Man today.
- More Compact than the original A.S.F.T
- the Gen II A.S.F.T is 1/3 the
Gen I A.S.F.T size
ENVIROTECH A.W.T.S. Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (2008)
- A one-tank household system with the capability to produce an Advanced
Secondary Effluent with Nutrient Removal
- Another design in-house (the Intellectual Property I.P. of ENVIROTECH)
- Been trialled over the last 21/2 years - about to undergo official
testing for national approval